PRO Louisiana provides federal funding for disaster resilience training courses and certification. The goal is to develop a skilled workforce to support statewide resilience efforts, including LWI flood risk reduction projects, and build up Louisiana’s defense against future disasters.
“We’ve awarded more than $450 million in federal funds to flood mitigation projects statewide that will break ground over the next few years, which means we need trained resilience professionals to support these efforts now more than ever,” Gov. John Bel Edwards said. “PRO Louisiana highlights the Louisiana Watershed Initiative’s comprehensive approach to disaster defense. Beyond funding mitigation projects throughout the state, we’re preparing a workforce to deliver those projects and fill in-demand jobs in disaster resilience.”
The spring courses will focus on resilience training for heavy equipment operators, which are in demand and crucial to the success of flood resilience efforts in Louisiana, according to a 2018 labor market analysis by LED and the Louisiana Workforce Commission. In the long term, PRO Louisiana will support additional courses in other areas, such as flood risk analysis and resilient construction methods for builders, contractors and other professionals.
“We are thrilled to partner with the Louisiana Watershed Initiative to provide resilience training courses through PRO Louisiana, which will benefit the futures of our students and of our state,” LCTCS President Monty Sullivan said. “Demand for trained resilience professionals is on the rise as our communities recover from previous disasters and prepare for the growing risks of future ones. PRO Louisiana courses will provide the training and skills students need to secure essential, well-paid jobs with a higher purpose: safeguarding our state.”
“Louisiana has the best workforce development training programs in the country, and higher education partnerships that deliver customized training are a big reason why,” LED Secretary Don Pierson said. “By equipping students with skills to perform specialized resilience work, PRO Louisiana strengthens our economy in a way that literally rebuilds our state. LED is proud to partner with the Louisiana Watershed Initiative and the Louisiana Community and Technical College System to capitalize on these federal funds and fill the talent pipeline for a growing job sector.”